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Solar Water Heating for Commercial

and Multi-family Properties

Solar thermal systems can provide long term savings for applications such as hot water and space heating. Retirement communities, commercial laundry, and the hospitality industry can improve their operating margins and lower their utility price risk through solar water heating through Altadena Energy & Solar.


Solar water heating systems provide great saving for owners of multi-family buildings of all sizes. Here's why:


  • Solar energy is the most economical way to heat common water use because the sun is free (and plentiful in Southern California!).

  • Pay less for more hot water. Solar water heating is built on your existing system. You will always have hot water with the gas system as back up; the solar system helps you to pay less for the energy to heat up the hot water.

  • Turn your roof into income property by installing a solar power system and claim government incentives.

  • Attract great tenants by marketing yourself as a green building with an efficient and environmental-friendly heating system--offer something for your tenants to brag about!


Contact us today to schedule a meeting with us. We work with building renovations and new build projects. We welcome inquires from building owners, facility managers, or architects/engineers who would like system specific support to incorporate solar water heating into their next project.



In 2013, Altadena Energy & Solar designed and built a solar heating system at Los Angeles Eco Village, with a 600 square-foot thermal panel and a 760 gallon tank system. System commissioned through Power Purchase Agreement with $0 down payment and quarterly payments for energy consumed, just like paying a ultility bill.



We provide turn-key solution for all solar and energy storage system. From getting permit and managing the work site, to getting all your paperwork done and turn on the system with utility approval. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get a free estimate!

© 2013-2024 by Altadena Energy & Solar, Inc. This website was created by 100% solar-powered electricity.

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